Patches Lost an Opportunity..

We have a cat called Patches. I used to hate cats, completely with all my heart, till the guy from KSPCA brought us this “mzungu” cat. Patches is not your ordinary cat. I suspect they used to give her cat food like Whiskas which is quite expensive. Here we don’t buy that for her, she eats what we eat and gets milk every now and then.

ImagePatches in a KFC bag demanding chicken.

The reason I call Patches “Mzungu” is because she is used to a different lifestyle, she hunts but doesn’t kill, she hunts to play. She will often go out of the house and come back with a lizard or a tiny bird, and play with it. She will throw it, kick it, slap it and bite it but not eat it. That really irritates us because she dirties the house in the process of playing!

One day she went hunting as usual and came back to play with the animal as usual. She spent a whole two hours playing along the staircase and proceeded to the dining room with her hunted animal, we got fed up and decided to take it away, far far away. I am sure that we upset her by taking it away but it was for our “good”. hehe..

Sometimes we watch our opportunities pass us by because we were busy playing with them or with ourselves. Sometimes the opportunities pass us by because they are dressed in hard work. I mean an 8-5 kind of job is too much, I want something much more “flexible” so I won’t take that job. Other times it’s because that opportunity seems to take up much of your “time” which by the way you have so much to spare.

What about those relationships you lose because you did not feel like being serious. You wanted to fish a bit more here and there before you could “settle down”. You wanted to play house and not marry, you wanted to be a player and not a one man/woman show. Then that perfect girl or that perfect boy slips through your fingers and finds someone better. Oh and those “friendships with benefits” kind of relationships, honey those don’t work at all. You waste each others’ times and one person ends up getting hurt because you are basically playing with each other’s emotions.

So stop playing games and act while you can, you live on borrowed time, there is no time to watch your chances go by.

Remember: Your playing small does not serve the world. – Coach Carter

                   “Moments, when lost, can’t be found again. They’re just gone.” 
― Jenny HanThe Summer I Turned Pretty

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